Client: YES! Republic
Project Manager: Marina Ghazaryan
Brand Strategist: Nika Yepiskoposyan
Art Director: Anna Margaryan
Senior designer: Astghik Margaryan
Interior 3D designer: Hovhannes Papoyan
Published/Released: 2015
Service: Brand naming, brand platform, brand visual identity, interior and exterior branding
Category: Child Care, Edutainment
The concept of the Kids club project was to have a special space for children to unleash and explore their natural creativity. Our challenge was to introduce the new club, defining a unique philosophy, and helping express it through brand identity.

For that, we developed the platform of “Yes republic”, a community ruled by children, where they can learn and grow at their own pace.  A special place where freedom to express their creativity is self-evident, an atmosphere of trust, freedom and imagination.
The visualization was inspired by the mixture of playfulness on one hand and the idea of a community of people united around a certain idea on the other. Thus, the visual concept was elaborated as an emblem comprising of various instruments and toys, representing all the creative areas of learning available in the center.
What we have created: Brand platform, brand visual identity, interior and exterior design, interior and exterior branding.
Yes! Republic

Yes! Republic

What we have created: Brand platform, brand visual identity, interior and exterior design, interior and exterior branding.
